Vision, Values and Mission

Our motto

‘Strive for Success, Celebrate our Spirit’

Our vision

To Know Jesus | To Inspire Learning | To Respect Each Other

Learning Intention: To Know Jesus

Success Criteria:

  • I make room in my heart for all.
  • I come to know Jesus through acts of love.
  • I can be more like Jesus by serving others.

Learning Intention: To Inspire Learning

Success Criteria:

  • I am a curious learner when I ask questions and explore new ideas.
  • I show a love of learning by being engaged and enthusiastic.
  • I am courageous and demonstrate a growth mindset when faced with challenges.
  • I show respect for our learning environment and those within it.
  • I share in the joy of others and their successes.

Learning Intention: To Respect Each Other

Success Criteria:

  • I show respect for myself by making good decisions.
  • I show love towards others through acts of service and compassion.
  • I show gratitude and show respect to all in our school community.
  • We celebrate our similarities and differences.


Our mission

Students are challenged, in a 21st Century learning culture, to commit to developing their full potential as holistic learners.  Teachers inspire a love of learning and spark curiosity and courage through collaboration, engagement, and perseverance. Our school community of St Stephen’s come to know Jesus through our commitment to acts of love and service in the spirit of joy and hope. In community with each other, we accept and show gratitude for the diversity of all. We respect ourselves and each other and celebrate our differences.

Our values

Our values are grounded in Sisters of St Joseph charism.

  • Listen to God’s call, and make room in your heart for all

We encourage our children and school community to live the Gospel Values: equality, compassion and respect in the light of the Josephite charism where we aim to become lifelong learners and celebrate Jesus’ spirit through faith.

  • Do your bit

We foster a vibrant environment that equips children with a desire for learning to think critically and creatively to interact and participate in faith contexts and wider society.

  • Attitude of Gratitude

We encourage children to be confident risk-takers, who are valued for their individual abilities, background and aspirations in order to respect themselves and others.